Skyrim cutting room floor compatibility
Skyrim cutting room floor compatibility

skyrim cutting room floor compatibility

– A few of the new NPCs will have some custom-made outfits. – Most of the new NPCs will have some dialogue and/or greetings using vanilla voice acting Practicing fighting in the day, drinking mead in the evening and so on – The new npcs all have AI packs set up, so they’ll do stuff around town. – Some NPCs with unique dialogue that was cut, has been restored (it’s compatible with Cutting Room Floor) They’re spread out around town to avoid performance going to shit. – Two bakeries (one fancy, one for commoners) – The pit/arena is restored along with some voiced NPCs (you can fight there now! – compatible with Faction Pit Fighter mod) – A completely “new” model for the graveyard that I restored, (found in game files) Check out the video tab for some seriously good showcases. Expands Windhelm in two directions, new buildings, shops, npcs and quests.

Skyrim cutting room floor compatibility